© 2009                    



About Nourish Naturally



Nourish Naturally uses a holistic approach to offer therapeutic diet and lifestyle advice, treating each person as individual. Nutritious foods and natural products may be suggested to treat symptoms at the root level as well as providing symptomatic relief. The goal is to encourage people to add life to their years, if not years to their life.


Education in nutrition and application of naturopathic remedies, such as Iridology, Reiki and Bach Flower Remedies, help people to heal themselves so that they can happily live in a state of wellness.


Nourish Naturally has been featured in Red Magazine, Men's Health, Mother and Baby and the Rickmansworth Community News.


Sophia Villiers at Nourish Naturally is available for private consultations, seminars and workshops.



Clinic Location


For private consulations, Sophia is based at the following clinic:


Agno Dental And Aesthetics

93-95 High Street


Hertfordshire WD3 1EF



Nourish Naturally Values


Courage     to put yourself first, step outside your comfort zone, and create  

                  new habits.


Freedom    from the body constraints you have put up with as normal, and

                  by reducing toxic impact through the use of natural products.


Joy             is the ultimate goal from nourishing yourself naturally. Feeling 

                  well now and in the long-term will make you the brightest person

                  you can be in your life and the world around you.  



About Sophia Villiers MSc, Dip NT, ND, mBANT


Sophia Villiers is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Naturopath. She is a Member of the British Association of Nutritional Therapists (BANT). Using her friendly style, her passion is to help people nourish themselves on all levels so they can live their ‘platinum best'.


With many success stories under her belt, Sophia is happy to work with most areas requiring support but has a particular interest in endocrinology, especially female health and infertility.


Sophia says, "Nutrition, as well as food, has always been a passion of mine. I would happily read nutrition books for fun and the learnings would frequently pepper my conversations.


"I had a successful career, working and playing the corporate lifestyle in London and Melbourne. As the years progressed, I used to get up every day trying to ignore that I wasn't functioning at a normal level, let alone my best. Fed up of having no energy, I dragged myself to seek naturopathic help. I was told I was on the fast track to becoming a diabetic if I didn't change my ways. I knew I had to start listening to my body.


"The medical profession is one to admire; it has saved my life on a couple of occasions. At Nourish Naturally, I give people the chance to nourish their body using natural remedies, be it alongside medical supervision or not - that is their choice. 


"Being a nutritionist and naturopath gives me many tools to work with, and I've found the best results come from working at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. They are all connected to better health flow. Nourish Naturally is about passing on qualified knowledge and experience to help others heal themselves from all kinds of ailments with a view to live their best."


Sophia admits that it may take courage to try something new and often small changes are all that's required to enjoy life more fully. And she is certainly not prepared to suggest something she is not willing to try herself!



Eat Smart. Balance Energy. Relish Life














07758 643164