© 2009                    



Nourish Naturally Treatments



Nourish Naturally provides personalised nutritional therapy and naturopathic tools to promote self-healing and enhanced long-term health. Using a naturopathic approach, quality nutritional and lifestyle advice is tailored to an individual’s requirements to treat presenting symptoms and underlying causes.


Complementary therapies such as Reiki, Iridology, Ear Acupuncture and Bach Flower Remedies may be considered as part of your nautropathic nutritional programme or as a stand-alone session.



Nutritional Therapy


"The gut is the seat of all health." This is the principle behind naturopathic nutritional therapy.


Nutrients from foods are vital to ensure we live well, right down to the cellular level. But intensive farming has lowered the grade quality of soil and easy access to processed foods has resulted in a modern diet that is less nutritious and well-balanced to those of previous generations. Add this to our busy lifestyles and polluted environments, it's not so surprising that many acute and chronic health conditions arise today.


Nutritional therapy can help by sharing knowledge and tools to support your physical and mental health. Using nutritious foods and natural products, it aims to naturally re-balance the body's chemistry, treat root causes of aggravating problems and work towards a wellness programme regardless of what stage you are in life.


Nourish Naturally uses a holistic approach to provide individual treatment plans. These are tailored to suit each client’s needs following a one-to-one consultation - lasting between 60 and 90 minutes. They are formulated using nutritional and lifestyle advice and may include some therapeutic vitamin or herbal supplements. Laboratory tests may be suggested and other clinical assessments carried out to create a unique treatment plan. 


With so many conflicting viewpoints outlined in the media about what constitutes a 'healthy diet', nutritional therapy uses well-researched strategies to help focus your goals and what will work specifically for you.





Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy that is guided for the purpose of healing.


The Usui Reiki Method of Natural Healing is one of the most powerful yet gentle, non-invasive, hands-on therapies that is deeply relaxing and assists with healing the whole person.


It provides you with energy, helping both body and mind whilst restoring inner peace, balance and natural health.


Some of the benefits include:


  • Stress relief and a deep relaxation
  • Improved sleep
  • Strengthen natural self-healing and the immune system
  • Increased personal energy and vitality
  • Detoxification and deep cleansing
  • Release of emotional and energetic blockages.


And Reiki is safe for pregnant women! In fact, Reiki works well in helping with all stages of pregnancy including conception and child birth. Reiki provides emotional as well as physical support and works not only on the mother, but also on the child and expectant father.





Iridology is an ancient science that goes back to Hippocrates and developed by medics in Europe and the USA. Miscroscopic analysis of the iris in the eye can determine a person's state of health and well-being as well as detecting weakness in the constitution.


The iris is made up of 28,000 nerve endings, all of which are connected to the brain via the vervous system. The neuro-optic reflexes in the iris react to certain changes in the body's chemistry. These reactions are stored in predetermined areas of the iris (reflex points) providing individual blueprints.


While Iridology is not a diagnostic tool, it is a useful warning system to establish the root causes of ailments and alert to areas of risk - and health. It can be used to shape treatment plans to avoid chronic conditions and ensure you remain physically, psychologically and emotionally well.



Ear Acupuncture


Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, your ear has reflex points representing organs of your body, similar to the reflexology points on your feet. Stimulating ear pressure points associated with any discomfort in the body can direct energy to that area to help with the healing process.


Ear Acupuncture is a safe and relaxing treatment and is particularly effective when addressing addictive behaviours and stress relief.


Bach Flower Remedies

There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies, each associated with a basic human emotion, chosen to restore general balance. Up to seven remedies will be mixed to create a personalised remedy bottle to match your current situation.

They are used for emotional support, working gently to ease distress, turn negative blockages into positive forces and stimulate self-healing. They can also be used preventatively at times of anxiety or stress.

Bach Flowers Remedies are a simple, effective system that can be used safely by all the family, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are non-toxic, non-habit forming and have no side effects.



Eat Smart. Balance Energy. Relish Life












07758 643164